How are Chamber Presidents chosen and how long is the term of service?
A Chamber President is the CEO of the organization. The position is neither an elected one nor is it governed by term limits. Instead, the Chamber President is hired and managed by a Board of Directors.
What makes the Richardson Chamber of Commerce unique and what aspects of the Chamber make you most proud?
We are so fortunate to have not only a breadth of members but also a depth, with numerous companies that have been with us for a very long time. What sets us apart are our stalwart leaders who are passionate about Richardson and keeping it vibrant. So many former Chairpersons are still actively engaged, a true gift you don’t see in all cities.
How has the Richardson Chamber evolved over the years in terms of scope and responsibility?

We are very proud of how the Chamber has evolved as an organization and developed very strong partnerships with our City, school districts, institutes of higher education and local businesses. Together we strive to continually enhance our community and make it the best place to live, work and raise a family. We may be a little biased!
Do you collaborate with any other Chambers of Commerce in the Metroplex? If so, what does that partnership look like?
We partner to a degree around regional topics or concerns. When necessary, we collectively tackle issues impacting the northern part of the state. Our voices become even more important during legislative years when we present a unified stance for or against proposed policies. I have personally found other Chamber Presidents to be excellent resources who are willing to share best practices and ideas.
As President and CEO of the Chamber, much is written about you in terms of your professional qualifications and work history. Share with us something about you that your official bio doesn’t reflect.
I grew up in Richardson, went to school here all twelve years, and moved back so my kids could do the same. I’m so proud that my son and daughter-in-law now reside here too. As for my role as Chamber President, I am a firm believer that if you empower people to do a job, give them a voice, and provide guidance and tools, they will amaze you every day with their achievements and ideas. While “my” ideas may be good, “our” ideas can be great. It is a true privilege to be part of the Richardson way.
What do you hope to achieve during your tenure at the Chamber and what are the Chamber’s goals for 2023?
After a year of constant change and a total reorganization of our committees and structure, I hope that 2023 bears the fruits of our labors – enhanced member services, more member engagement and some fantastic, fun and informative events. Our theme for the year is “REIMAGINED.” After a hard look at what was working and what wasn’t, we now have an incredible road map for 2023. We are focusing especially on small businesses, retail establishments and nonprofits. In some exciting news, we are planning a “facelift” for the Chamber. We are in the early phases of design but expect it will be quite an upgrade to the current facility.
From your perspective, what are the most exciting changes happening in Richardson this year? What can citizens look forward to in 2023?
The redevelopment and revitalization we are seeing across the City is very exciting and we can all be tremendously proud. Just look at downtown Richardson, now called the CORE District, and how that has changed with more excitement to come. The IQ is another enhancement; here, technology is meeting redevelopment. We are also seeing the Silver Line being built right before our eyes. But we would not be where we are today without the excellence in education available to us. From pre-K to Ph.D., our partners are definitely top-tier and forward-thinking.
Is there anything else you would like the citizens of Richardson to know about the Chamber of Commerce, about you, or about Richardson?
Whether you’re a member or not, the Chamber is a great resource for the business community. We have a plethora of programs and events to enhance any sized business and assist its employees.
For more information about Kim Quirk or the Richardson Chamber of Commerce, visit their website at