Richardson 150th

Celebrating Charles Smith,
Richardson’s Very Own Centenarian

By Patti Otte

On September 24, 2023, Charles Smith will turn 103 years young. Mr. Smith’s mind is filled with vivid memories of a time when Richardson was mainly farmland and the best mode of transportation was the Interurban Railway. Mr. Smith is one of the oldest—if not THE oldest—citizens of Richardson, having been born in 1920. He still has a sharp mind and loves sharing stories of the past. To put his age in perspective, 160,000 people lived in Dallas in 1920, versus 1.3 million today, and eighteen presidents have served during Mr. Smith’s lifetime.

Back then, Richardson was just a bedroom community of farmland and oak trees, with a half dozen houses in the area between Campbell, Arapaho, Jupiter and Greenville. Born in Richardson, Mr. Smith remembers walking from his grandparents’ house on Interurban Street south of Beltline, where he lived for a short time while his parents’ home was being built, over the Interurban railroad track to school.

According to city records, the Interurban, an electric railway, commenced service in 1908 and ran north to Denison, south to Waco, southeast to Corsicana and west to Fort Worth. By 1910, 600 people lived in Richardson and the newly built (in 1914) schoolhouse Mr. Smith attended on Greenville Avenue eventually became home to the RISD administrative offices. The offices are still located there today.

Thomas F. McKamy was Richardson’s first mayor, elected in 1925, and he owned the local Cash Dry Goods, another of Mr. Smith’s frequent stops in his boyhood. It housed the original Richardson library. In 1927, just before the Great Depression, Mr. Smith moved into his parents’ home at 324 Huffhines Street, which still stands today. The home looks just like it did then, with the exception of the now blue exterior; originally, the Smiths had it painted white.

The area where Richland College now stands was “Roy Chick’s farm, prime dove hunting land,” according to Mr. Smith. He hunted there often in his youth.

During those early years, Mr. Smith met a girl named Rose Ann Julian, who would eventually become his bride. He and Rose Ann were classmates and both graduated in the Class of 1938 from Richardson High School. According to Mr. Smith, Rose Ann’s father was “the best cotton and wheat farmer in Dallas County.” Around that time, Mr. Smith’s dad owned Western Auto in McKinney, where the young Smith worked. Mr. Smith recalls riding the Interurban from McKinney to Richardson after work. He’d then “clean up and get the car and drive over to Addison to pick Rose Ann up at her farm.” Fun fact: Mr. John Elbert Julian owned the farm where Addison’s school was located and that building is now the Magic Time Machine on Beltline Road.

Mr. Smith married Rose Ann on March 11, 1944, while he was on leave from the Navy. Prior to their marriage,

           Three generations of Smith men


Mr. Smith served his country as a Naval Aviator, Lieutenant Junior Grade, during World War II. He joined the US Navy in September of 1942 and went to pre-flight school in Athens, GA. Now known by his military nickname, “Smitty,” he transferred later that year to Grand Prairie, where he started flying Stearman airplanes with open air dual cockpits

Smith Home in Huffhines St.


After a transfer to Pensacola, FL, in 1943, Smith did his advanced flight training in a North American SNJ, widely known as the Yellow Peril for its yellow color. He earned his wings in June 1943. He moved between Florida and Georgia a couple of time to receive Instrument flight rating training. He soon received orders to go to Alameda, CA, and in March 1945, he was transferred to Honolulu, HI. During the war, Lt. Smith was a co-pilot on an R5D—a 4-engine plane—delivering personnel and supplies from Honolulu to the Philippine Islands. Thankfully, he never saw any combat as the Hawaiian Islands were secure. Mr. Smith thinks back and remembers that he “never saw so much water in [his] life.”

World War ll Memorabilia


Naval Aviator Certificate


Mr. Smith can recall the families who built Richardson, one of which was the Campbells. Passersby can still see JW Campbell’s home on the northwest corner of Arapaho and Plano Roads. It’s now barely visible behind a jungle of trees and overgrowth, but Mr. Smith remembers it well. He also remembers Richardson being known as “the community with the most Ph.D’s.” He and Rose Ann were founding members of the Canyon Creek Country Club back in 1963. At the time, a membership cost $15-18 per month. They loved golfing and were members until 2000. Mr. Smith lost his beloved Rose Ann in May of 2001.

The Smith’s 50th Anniversary

When asked to describe his dad with three adjectives, Mr. Smith’s son Charles, Jr. said Mr. Smith is steadfast, honest and trustworthy. His grandson Jason, who lived with his grandparents for many years and then next door to them later, describes him as kind, generous and loving. The man I had the privilege of meeting fit those descriptors well. When a Richardson reporter interviewed Mr. Smith recently for Richardson’s 150th celebration, Mr. Smith told him he thought he’d live till at least 105. For all of our sakes, let’s hope he lives even longer as he still has so many stories to share.


Charles Smith, Class of 1938


Rose Ann Julian, Class of 1938


Class of 1938 high school reunion


Richardson Highschool girls’ basketball team


Graduating class of 1938


Keepsake photo of Charles and Rose Ann and classmates


Author’s Note: The remarkable part of this story is that almost every single historical references included here came directly from Mr. Smith. He can still vividly recall tiny details of the past—like a talking history book—and I feel so privileged to have had the chance to share a small part of his story with you.

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