Richardson’s Movers and Shakers – Mary Bedosky and Marta Frey

Editor’s Note: Movers and shakers are people who make things happen, influencers whose energy creates positive change. They’re always busy and often pioneers in their respective fields. In each
issue of Richardson Life Magazine, we highlight an individual, couple or group of people who we feel fits this definition. If you would like to nominate a mover and shaker to be celebrated in the pages
of the magazine, email


2022 Citizen Of The Year

By Patti Otte

In March, the Richardson Chamber of Commerce honored individuals whose exceptional contributions to the community made a lasting impact in 2022. Small but mighty, fun and feisty Mary Bedosky was given the well-deserved title of Citizen of the Year.

Mary grew up in Madison, Wisconsin, where she spent winters sledding and ice skating. Always a hard worker, Mary’s first job was cleaning the scuff marks off new men’s white shoes at the Nunn Bush Shoe Factory in Edgerton, Wisconsin. A music education major at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, she specialized in voice and piano and was a lead singer in a rock band, “playing regular gigs with lots of 70’s music at a smoky bar with fellow music majors,” Mary recalls.

The young musician also had a knack for business and her career took her in that direction. She has worked in retail store management, residential real estate and banking for many years. Currently, Mary works for Prosperity Bank in Richardson as the Banking Center President and will soon celebrate sixteen years with Prosperity. Mary describes herself as flexible, organized and a great partner.

Mary’s greatest partnership was with Matthew, her soul mate and husband of twenty-six years, whom she lost in 2019. Mary and Matt moved from Rochester, NY, to Richardson in 1993. Together, in addition to pursuing separate careers, they owned a cigar shop in Richardson called Calypso Cigars, which Mary sold after Matt’s death. Her eyes still light up when she talks about Matt.

Mary with her mom and brother

Her father Lester, a small business owner himself, taught Mary the importance of relationships in business and giving back to the community. Her 91-year-old mom, Helen Ryan, lives with Mary now. A retired nurse and former amateur pilot, Helen “is a blast to live with – she always keeps me laughing,” states Mary fondly.

Mary Happily Networking

Mary and Matt in Wyoming

Mary’s earliest memory of volunteering is selling tickets at the Kehl School of Dance recital back in Madison. She did so well that she won a pair of ballet shoes for selling the most tickets! Once she arrived in Richardson, Mary met longtime Richardson mover and shaker Bonnie Perry, who invited her to serve on the RSO Board. They collaborated on many causes over the years and Bonnie introduced Mary to several people who she now considers her best friends.

Mary is a member of the Richardson East Rotary Club, the Executive After Hours and Women in Leadership committees of the Richardson Chamber, and serves on the Board of Directors of the Methodist Richardson Hospital Foundation. When asked what she would say to someone wanting to make a difference in the community, Mary states, “There are so many ways to give back. Network of Community Ministries and RALC come to mind. I would ask the person, ‘What is your passion?’ It is so much fun to work alongside others doing something you love and believe in.”

Fellow volunteer and Logotology owner Monica Scott states, “Mary is smart and

Mary’s March birthday celebration funny and has such a rich history in this community. I don’t think there is one aspect of this City that she hasn’t been involved in and is always open to sharing and brainstorming new ideas to build upon successes. She is one of those people who, when you talk to her, you know you have 100% of her attention. We are truly blessed to have her!!!”

Mary’s March birthday celebration

Besides “catching some rays” in her backyard pool, Mary loves the patio and vibe at Fernando’s, the concert hall at the Eisemann Center, and the Wildflower Festival. She also enjoys visiting and photographing lighthouses, drinking wine and chatting with friends, and shopping! When asked what she would like folks to remember her for, Mary replies, “I would hope that they talk about the great times we had together and how we improved our community as a team.”

Congratulations, Mary. You’ve certainly made your community a better place simply by being you.



2022 Volunteer Of The Year

By Patti Otte

Alex, Marta and Noah campaigning in 2017

Another awesome and accomplished leader, Marta Frey was honored as the Richardson Chamber of Commerce’s Volunteer of the Year. Marta was born in Puerto Rico before moving with her family to Richardson in 1976. Marta attended Dartmouth Elementary, Hamilton Park Elementary, Apollo Jr High and Berkner HS. She then graduated from Texas A&M University with a BA in history and languages.

Early on, Marta’s family life centered around maintaining their Hispanic culture while learning about their new Texas home. Her family hosted potlucks incorporating Puerto Rican and Colombian (her father was from

Colombia) cuisines with their American friends. Her childhood was spent sharing countless days with cousins, aunts and uncles.

Marta’s family, including son Alex, a Richardson-based software engineer, and Noah, a market researcher living in Chicago, is a central part of her life. Says Marta, “My sons are my inspiration and provide my sense of direction. My mom, Myrta G. Gómez, a former educator, taught me why giving back is so important. And my father Hector, affectionately known as ‘Papapa’, was well-respected in the engineering consulting community and taught me to embrace a strong work ethic.”

Marta continues, “Mimi (my mom) taught me to serve always, in all ways. She showed me how there can be creativity in who and how I serve, as long as I serve. As I child, I didn’t yet have causes I was passionate about, so she encouraged me to use my favorite hobbies in ways to serve others. For example, when I was in the Dallas Girls’ Choir, we sang to and volunteered at local hospitals.”

Marta currently serves as the director of the Collin Small Business Development Center. In that role, she advocates, advises and educates small business owners as they seek to grow their companies. The Center is a nonprofit grant program that provides marketing, financing, growth strategies, startup, and business expansion consulting services at no cost. Says Marta, “I absolutely love what I do.”

Winston Churchill famously said, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” His words inspire Marta. “Fortunately, with so many servant leaders in Richardson, our community has a strong foundation on which to build our vibrant future,” she states.

Currently, Marta serves in a variety of capacities within the Richardson community: as the Incoming Board Chair for Network of Community Ministries; on the Methodist Richardson Medical Center Foundation Board as Vice Chair, Governance; on the Richardson Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors; and as a Counseling Advisory Board member for RISD Memorial Park Academy.

When asked what she would tell the next generation of volunteers, Marta thoughtfully replies, “There is need everywhere: in education, the arts, social services, business mentorship and leadership, city government, within our houses of worship, and so much more. Find whatever cause is close to your heart, an activity you enjoy doing, or a treasure you can share and offer it to someone. Those that need it will be filled with gratitude.”

When she’s not volunteering or working, Marta loves spending time in the Spring Creek Nature Area, an oasis filled with trees, a creek and bike trails, where neighbors enjoy the outdoors. She can also be found in Chinatown— one of Richardson’s cultural hot spots. There she enjoys viewing the Dallas Chinese Community Center’s many amazing works of art, attending cultural celebrations, and enjoying its diverse cuisines and restaurants. Furthermore, as a small business advocate, Marta is proud to see how Lockwood and the CORE Districts have blossomed over the past few years.

Noah, Mimi, Alex and Marta

If she had no responsibilities, Marta would be traveling the world. Instead, she spends her time enjoying music, hanging out with family and friends (pool time with a cocktail is a favorite), and thrift shopping. She’s also a huge English Premiere League soccer fan and watches it every weekend! She admires Audrey Hepburn and quotes St Ignatius of Loyola: ““Go forth and set the world on fire.”

To Marta, setting the world on fire means to “Move forward with passion. Continue to learn and excel. Share and inspire others.” As an excellent mother, a devoted friend and a servant-hearted leader, Marta is doing just that.

Marta’s large Puerto Rican family

Marta and her Papapa

Marta with Monica Scott

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