Focus on Women Business – Staycation


Nicole Gregory
Owner of Staycation


What is your name and how long have you had Staycation? Is that the full name of the shop?
Nicole Gregory and yes, that is the full name. I opened Staycation in November of 2021.

Tell us about Staycation. What makes it unique along coffee shops?
I think what makes any concept unique is the heart and energy of the people who gave life to it. The heart and energy behind Staycation is simply about the enjoyment of simple yet beautiful things, moments and conversations alongside other humans.

Does Staycation have a motto? If so, what is it and why did you choose it?
Our tagline is “stay awhile.” I think it speaks for itself, especially in tandem with the brand name. I felt like coffee shops were becoming more geared towards the remote worker and by association, this age of productivity that we live in, and I wanted a space that was geared towards “staying awhile” with a friend, with yourself, in conversation, in contemplation, in a moment—slowing down enough to maybe do nothing but savor the present moment and sit with it.

Who is your typical customer?
One of the special qualities about Staycation is that it is a space for ALL and that is truly what we get. All age ranges, all life backgrounds, all social statuses. It’s a mixing pot of beautiful life.

What inspired you to open Staycation and what is the inspiration for the name?
This question is a complex one for me because I did not set out to be a sole business owner when this project began. I was in a partnership with an individual and when that partnership came to an end, I made the decision to build the company and give it life. The inspiration behind the name comes from the ethos I’ve operated within throughout my time in the coffee industry: it’s an idea around living a life that we do not have to “vacation” from in order to find rest. An idea around balance, around honoring the “new” in the middle of lives that we so often equate to ‘normal’ and ‘mundane routine.’ Life is magical and being alive is material enough to always be in wonder and curiosity—if we are willing to slow down our pace and experience and savor it. After sharing these ideas with my ex-business partner, he said, “Staycation fits that” and so Staycation it became.

Do you live in Richardson? If so, what brought you here? If not, what made you decide to locate your business in our city?
I lived in Richardson until I was 11 and now live in East Dallas. Richardson came up through a series of events and when the little house on the corner was proposed, I knew it fit well with everything that rang true to me for a coffee shop brand. I have also been a longtime fan of Richardson’s diversity in its population and its food and cultural scene. I wanted to be a part of that.

What made you choose the house where you located the coffee shop?
Through a series of introductions, I met the developers who own the house and discussions began for a coffee shop. Because I tend to love what most would label the “the simple way of living,” having an old house as a backdrop for the brand seemed absolutely fitting.

What is your background? Have you always been an entrepreneur?
My background is one of a simple life. I grew up within the Mennonite community and spent my childhood in the garden, exploring the woods on our property, cooking, sewing and learning about LIFE. Due to that free and untethered way of growing up, I believe I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit in me and even though I’d go on to work for corporate companies, I’ve always operated within a certain rogue mentality, if that makes sense.

What are three adjectives which describe you?
Passionate, Creative, Authentic

What skills do you find most necessary in running a new small business?
I believe the skills I’ve found most necessary for me have been the ability to say “no” and perseverance.

What do you look for in a team member…especially in a barista?
Authenticity and life-giving energy.

Are there certain menu items that are unique to Staycation? What is your best-selling drink?
Our Ginger Turmeric latte is unique to us. I make all of our syrups and that one is made from boiling down ginger and turmeric root into a syrup and it is absolutely delicious. Our top seller is probably our Dulce De Leche latte.

Share with us a funny or awesome story of having a business in Richardson.
The amount of awesome stories I have are unending. Probably the one that has stuck with me most is when our back communal table got taken over by a Bible study group and a Muslim group—both on opposite ends. They were all regulars, but I was so curious how that seating union was going to pan out. After about an hour and a half of listening to them laugh together, open their Bible and Koran and share stories and similarities, I realized that THIS is what makes Staycation IN Richardson so special: this interfacing of diversity that supports, nurtures and encourages conversation/interaction outside of where our normal routines take us.

Anything else you’d love for your neighbors to know about Staycation or you?
Life is the most precious gift we’ve all been given and to spend it here— on this planet that’s teeming with magic and organic complexities (that we still cannot fully comprehend)— is truly special and I hope that as a person and as a brand, I never stop inspiring people to honor and take part in its beauty.

Nicole and Friends at Staycation

Staycation Interior

Evening at Staycation

A Perfect cup

Staycation’s back yard












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